Quotes from Donald Whitney
According to James 1:22-25, we can experience God's truth so powerfully that what the Lord wants us to do becomes as plain to us as our face in the morning mirror. But if we do not apply the truth as we meet it, regardless of how wonderful the experience of discovering the truth has been, we deceive ourselves if we think we will be blessed for giving attention to the Bible on those occasions. The one who "will be blessed in his doing" is the one who does what Scripture says.
- Donald Whitney
When you speak the gospel, you share "the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes." Sharing the gospel is like walking around in a thunderstorm and handing out lightning rods. You don't know when the lightning will strike or who it will strike, but you know what it will strike—the lightning rod of the gospel. And when it does, that person's lightning rod will be charged with the power of God and he or she will believe.
- Donald Whitney
How does the Word memorized become the Word applied? It happens through meditation.
- Donald Whitney
Joy does not come to you if you are spiritually passive; rather, joy is cultivated, but joy is cultivated by things you do.
- Donald Whitney
The irony of the empty soul is that while he is perpetually dissatisfied in so many areas, he is so easily satisfied in regard to the pursuit of God.
- Donald Whitney
How can we worship God without worshiping Him in vain? How can we instead "offer to God acceptable worship" (Hebrews 12:28)? We must learn an essential part of pursuing Christlikeness—the Spiritual Discipline of biblical worship.
- Donald Whitney
Why do we forget what we read in the Bible? Is it just a poor memory? No, it's a failure to meditate.
- Donald Whitney
How will you prove that you are a doer of the Word of God as it's been presented to you here?
- Donald Whitney
If a man write little, he had need have a great memory."[12]
- Donald Whitney
Find joy in God and you will find joy in doing the work of God.
- Donald Whitney
When it comes to spirituality, you do what you do because you believe what you believe. Regardless of the importance you consciously place upon it, theology drives and determines your spirituality.
- Donald Whitney
The text of the Bible means what God inspired it to mean, not "what it means to
- Donald Whitney