Quotes from Donald Whitney
The people of God do not serve Him in order to be forgiven but because we are forgiven.
- Donald Whitney
Memorizing Scripture strengthens your faith because it repeatedly reinforces the truth, often just when you need to hear it again.
- Donald Whitney
Discipline without direction is drudgery.
- Donald Whitney
Has your worship or devotional experience lately provided you with ravishing tastes of what A. W. Tozer called the "piercing sweetness" 7 of Christ, only to leave you with a divine discontent that desires more?
- Donald Whitney
Elisabeth Elliot is more precise when she explains that "freedom and discipline have come to be regarded as mutually exclusive, when in fact freedom is not at all the opposite, but the final reward, of discipline.
- Donald Whitney
Without absorption of the water of God's Word, there's no quenching our spiritual thirst. Meditation is the means of absorption.
- Donald Whitney
In most Christian circles you will rarely hear fasting mentioned, and few will have read anything about it. And yet it's mentioned in Scripture more times even than something as important as baptism (about seventy-seven times for fasting to seventy-five for baptism).
- Donald Whitney
You might think of praying without ceasing as communicating with God on one line while also taking calls on another. Even while you are talking on the other line, you never lose your awareness of the need to return your attention to the Lord. So praying without ceasing means you never really stop conversing with God; you simply have frequent interruptions.
- Donald Whitney
Little input of God's Word results in little resemblance to God's Son.
- Donald Whitney
We must, however, reaffirm what we know to be true, even when we don't feel it to be true. This will help us to live more by faith than by feelings.
- Donald Whitney
Prayerful people become godly people, for prayerfulness with God cultivates godliness in all of life.
- Donald Whitney
No one coasts into Christlikeness. Any progress in godliness requires Spirit-filled effort and purpose.
- Donald Whitney