Quotes from Ravi Zacharias
the cross is the centerpiece of the gospel message. It is truly the intersection of love and justice, judgment and grace, exactitude and mercy. The demands of the law call for perfection. But the law itself cannot transform the human heart. What this really means is that perfection cannot get us into heaven, but our faith in the Perfect One can. His justice comes hand in hand with love. And neither ever violates the other.
- Ravi Zacharias
More often than not religious rites are performed out of fear or superstition. And they are seldom questioned or examined.
- Ravi Zacharias
As Paul Little has pointed out, "If God were to stamp out evil today, he would do a complete job. His action would have to include our lies and personal impurities, our lack of love, and our failure to do good. Suppose God were to decree that at midnight tonight all evil would be removed from the universe—who of us would still be here after midnight?" 23
- Ravi Zacharias
That is what a well-guarded prayer life can reveal about us, that our trust is not in ourselves but in seeking God's strength for what we do. Prayer is not a substitute for action, but prayer undergirds action with the strength that makes the difference.
- Ravi Zacharias
Jesus did not merely claim to be a prophet in a continuum of prophets. He is the unique Son of God, part of the very Godhead that Christianity calls the Trinity.
- Ravi Zacharias
At the end, Job discovered that this God who was his Creator and Designer, his Revealer and Comforter, his Mediator and Savior, was also his Strengthener and Restorer.
- Ravi Zacharias
Culture is critical in marriage because in a real sense, culture is the behavioral expression of one's values, appreciations, tastes, and relational style in both simple and serious matters of life. Add to this the dimensions of language and cultural memory, and you have worlds within worlds. In effect, culture provides the how and why of an individual's behavior.
- Ravi Zacharias
When God decides who should live or die, he is immoral. When you decide who should live or die, it's your moral right." There was a pin-drop silence.
- Ravi Zacharias
When we come to know our Creator, the questioning is not for doubting but for putting it all together and marveling at His wonders.
- Ravi Zacharias
The world was made for the body, the body was made for the soul, and the soul was made for God. When that discovery is made and the soul is restored in a disfigured culture, we find the greatest treasure of all—and it is nearer to us than we realize.
- Ravi Zacharias
In the early days of marriage, joy precedes the act. Tragically, as the years go by joy can be severed from the act until finally, the act itself is no more. This ought not to be. Over time it is the companionship that brings joy, and service is the natural outworking of the joy of commitment. Failure to act kills it.
- Ravi Zacharias
I remember the time an older man asked me when I was young, "Do you know what you are doing now?" I thought it was some kind of trick question. "Tell me," I said. "You are building your memories," he replied, "so make them good ones.
- Ravi Zacharias