Quotes from Jack Canfield
A goal that is not measurable is just wishful thinking.
- Jack Canfield
Life doesn't just happen to you. It's all about choices and how you respond to every situation.
- Jack Canfield
Expect the unexpected. Focus on what you can control and acknowledge what's out of your control.
- Jack Canfield
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
- Jack Canfield
If you spend too much time working on your weaknesses, all you end up with is a lot of strong weaknesses!" This doesn't give you a competitive edge in the marketplace or position you to be wealthy. It just keeps you average. In fact, it's an absolute insult to your integrity to major in
- Jack Canfield
If someone is hostile in the delivery of their feedback, remember that it is an expression of their level of fear, not your level of incompetence or unlovability.
- Jack Canfield
I pray for him. It's very difficult to dislike someone for whom you are praying.
- Jack Canfield
And then there are stories that reveal the transformation of an ordinary person into an extraordinary one, because he or she had the courage to hope, the determination to think positively, the ability to see the beauty in life, the strength to pick up the pieces and move on and the faith that life is nurturing, if one allows it to be so.
- Jack Canfield
Every action you take has consequences. Bad habits (negative behavior) produce negative consequences. Successful habits (positive behavior) produce benefits and rewards.
- Jack Canfield
You will never become successful as long as you continue to blame someone or something else for your lack of success.
- Jack Canfield
I have learned over the years that whenever one door seemingly closes, another door opens. You just have to keep positive, stay aware, and look to see what it is. Instead of getting upset when things don't unfold as you anticipated, always ask yourself the question "What's the possibility that this is?
- Jack Canfield
Successful people speak words of inclusion rather than words of separation, words of acceptance rather than words of rejection, and words of tolerance rather than words of prejudice.
- Jack Canfield