Quotes from Jack Canfield
If you would know a man, observe how he treats a cat.
- Jack Canfield
As you move forward on your journey from where you are to where you want to be, you are going to have to confront your fears. Fear is natural. Whenever you start a new project, take on a new venture, or put yourself out there, there is usually fear. Unfortunately, most people let fear stop them from progress.
- Jack Canfield
To be powerful, you need to take the position that you create or allow everything that happens to you. By create, I mean that you directly cause something to happen by your actions or inactions.
- Jack Canfield
And belief is a choice. It is simply a thought you choose to think over and over until it becomes automatic.
- Jack Canfield
Was God's grace in these dark circumstances that drew me closer to Him.
- Jack Canfield
Jim Rohn said, "If you read one book every month about your industry, in ten years you'll have read 120 books. That will put you in the top one percent of your field.
- Jack Canfield
I choose to believe things are possible, even when I don't know how they will happen.
- Jack Canfield
Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.
- Jack Canfield
There are essentially two things that will make you wise -- the books you read and the people you meet.
- Jack Canfield
Keep in mind that part of growing up is dealing with difficult issues, and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of tough times all by themselves.
- Jack Canfield
What others think about you is none of your business.
- Jack Canfield
Her essay about the wedding ring was short. Kerr wrote: "Things are just things - they have no power to hurt or to heal. Only people can do that. And we can all choose whether to be hurt or healed by the people who love us." That was all. And that was everything.
- Jack Canfield