Quotes from Jack Canfield
Either accept that you are making the choice to stay where you are, take responsibility for your choice, and stop complaining... or take the risk of doing something new and different to create your life exactly the way you want it.
- Jack Canfield
Compassion is the key no matter what the line of work you are in.
- Jack Canfield
A good dog deserves a good home.
- Jack Canfield
That cat is like a two-year-old with four-wheel drive.
- Jack Canfield
Rick decided to publish it himself. To promote the book, he took a booth at a regional
- Jack Canfield
20% of America's millionaires never set foot in college, and 16 of the 492 Americans listed as billionaires in 2014 never got their college diplomas; 2 never even finished high school! So although education and a commitment to lifelong learning are essential to success, a formal degree isn't a requirement.
- Jack Canfield
And when Mother Teresa was asked why she didn't participate in anti-war demonstrations, she said, "I will never do that, but as soon as you have a pro-peace rally, I'll be there." These great leaders knew that to be against something—to focus on your opposition to it—just creates more of it.
- Jack Canfield
It's okay, you can do it, I know you can. Don't worry, just carry on, you can do it!
- Jack Canfield
Pray that in the large things and small things, whenever He asks me to "give it up for Him," no matter what He asks of me, I will respond immediately, "Yes, Lord!
- Jack Canfield
It's the circle of life, and it moves us all, through despair and hope, through faith and love, 'till we find our place, on the path unwinding.
- Jack Canfield
Happened to me. God saw what I was trying to do and wouldn't allow me to commit suicide. It was His way of telling me that I needed to stay here on earth and continue living. I looked up at the sky and whispered "thank you," then walked back towards the campus.
- Jack Canfield
Do your work, don't think about the fruits of your work'.
- Jack Canfield