Quotes from Jack Canfield
The longer you hang in there, the greater the chance that something will happen in your favor. No matter how hard it seems, the longer you persist, the more likely your success.
- Jack Canfield
Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing, and uplifting people -- people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories.
- Jack Canfield
You don't have to get it perfect, you just have to get it going. Babies don't walk the first time they try, but eventually they get it right.
- Jack Canfield
You only have control over three things in your life-the thoughts you think, the images you visualise, & the actions you take.
- Jack Canfield
As you meditate and become more spiritually attuned, you can better discern and recognize the sound of your higher self or the voice of God speaking to you through words, images, and sensations.
- Jack Canfield
We are God's gift to each other. Like a master composer, He brings all the instruments together, each with a different tone, each playing a different part, and He makes it turn out so beautifully.
- Jack Canfield
Every single cell in your body is affected by every single thought that you have.
- Jack Canfield
Each of us is born with a life purpose. Identifying, acknowledging, and honoring this purpose is perhaps the most important action successful people take.
- Jack Canfield
There is only one person responsible for the quality of life you live and that person is you.
- Jack Canfield
Some people fold after making one timid request. They quit too soon. Keep asking until you find the answers. In sales there are usually four or five "no's" before you get a "yes."
- Jack Canfield
There have been many people whom I have admired, emulated and even modeled parts of my life after. I study how they do things, and then I go through a period of 'trying on' those same thinking patterns and behaviors. After awhile, what is not essentially me falls away while the useful parts remain.
- Jack Canfield
Greater self-esteem produces greater success, and greater success produces more high self-esteem, so it keeps on spiraling up.
- Jack Canfield