Quotes from Mary Catherine Bateson
Caring can be learned by all human beings, can be worked into the design of every life, meeting an individual need as well as a pervasive need in society.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Worlds can be found by a child and an adult bending down and looking together under the grass stems or at the skittering crabs in a tidal pool.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Physical things are eloquent tokens of ideas,enriched by new meanings through time even when the tokens are no more than evanescent paper representations.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
An encounter with other cultures can lead to openness only if you can suspend the assumption of superiority, not seeing new worlds to conquer, but new worlds to respect.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
As you get up in the morning, as you make decisions, as you spend money, make friends, make commitments, you are creating a piece of art called your life.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Moving is both liberating and debilitating. Undertaken too late, it is a very stressful process, one that sometimes seems to catapult people into frail old age, and undertaken too soon, it may preempt other possibilities.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
As people grow older, some of the ways they have contributed in the past may no longer be possible, but the challenge to society is not only to provide help and care where these are needed but also to offer the opportunity to contribute and care for others
- Mary Catherine Bateson
It's all about being in control of myself as an older woman who lives alone, and it's all about how I am going to do what I have to do to be as strong as I can be and be confident that I can do what I need to do as an older person.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
The timing of death, like the ending of a story, gives a changed meaning to what proceeds it.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Human beings do not eat nutrients, they eat food.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
Goals too clearly defined can become blinkers.
- Mary Catherine Bateson
No matter how happily a woman may be married, it always pleases her to discover that there is a really nice man who wishes she were not.
- Mary Catherine Bateson