Quotes from Lisa Bevere
Because of fear, I had forfeited strength, life, and beauty. I had lost a sense of my true self, and with that loss so much of what God wanted for me was yet unrealized.
- Lisa Bevere
God's Word had the power to light our way and to clear the debris that had covered the path so we can walk in it.
- Lisa Bevere
Live what is within you out loud.
- Lisa Bevere
If you are not praying the type of prayers that scare you, your prayers are certainly not frightening our enemy.
- Lisa Bevere
We are meek in the way we follow and fierce in the way we fight. In this manner, gentle and fierce meet and are comfortable.
- Lisa Bevere
Outward pressure is always an opportunity to be inwardly transformed.
- Lisa Bevere
Sometimes arriving too quickly is detrimental. It is dangerous to arrive without our character mature or intact.
- Lisa Bevere
God uniquely created your DNA and knit your frame in secret so he could surprise the world. He authored how your heart expresses itself; he was the architect of your smile and the melody of your voice; he made all of your features with the fondest thoughts of only you in mind. He celebrated along with your parents your first smile and watched with affection your first steps.
- Lisa Bevere
God's Word has the power to light our way and to clear the debris that has covered the path so we can walk in it.
- Lisa Bevere
If ever there comes a time when the women of the world come together purely and simply for the benefit of mankind, it will be a force such as the world has never known. MATTHEW ARNOLD, NINETEENTH-CENTURY BRITISH POET AND PHILOSOPHER
- Lisa Bevere
I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works. (Psalm 139:14, NKJV)
- Lisa Bevere
honor begins in the heart and works its way out until it is expressed through our actions.
- Lisa Bevere