Quotes from Lisa Bevere
there is a vast difference between talking about God and listening to a God who talks to you.
- Lisa Bevere
God would never have granted women a voice if he intended for them to remain silent. God knew that Adam, and our world, would need the voice and influence of women.
- Lisa Bevere
Life is filled with terrifying moments, and we cannot stop the onslaught of fear any more than we can hold back the wind. But we can always choose our response. The very winds that cause the eagle to soar later in life terrified it when it was an eaglet. Allow fear to drive you toward God.
- Lisa Bevere
God would have never granted women a voice if he intended for them to remain silent. God knew that Adam, and our world, would need the voice and influence of women.
- Lisa Bevere
What I heard and saw was a charge to declare his Holy Word in all the wisdom of its counsel and wonder of its strength. It was an invitation to remake the human language in the image if the divine rather than strip the Word of God of its divinity to make it human.
- Lisa Bevere
Where there is no vision, the people perish. (Proverbs 29:18 KJV)
- Lisa Bevere
Strength is given us for service, not to convey status (see Romans 15:2). I wonder how much trouble would be averted in the world at large if everyone knew and adhered to this principle. What if we knew that our strength was to serve the weak, fearful, or timid? It would all be good!
- Lisa Bevere
Comparison is the thief of joy. Theodore Roosevelt
- Lisa Bevere
words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. (Proverbs 12:18, NIV)
- Lisa Bevere
We've learned that sometimes a lack of conflict in a marriage means you are not fighting for it. There are times you must battle to become one.
- Lisa Bevere
When our lives are divinely ordered, our spirit will direct our soul and mind, which in turn will guide our physical self.
- Lisa Bevere
Knowing who you are is vastly more important than knowing where you are going or even what you can do. Because he is your Creator, God has quite a bit to say to you about who you are. And who you truly are carries within it the revelation of what you could be.
- Lisa Bevere