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Quotes from John Bunyan

Come in, come in; Eternal glory thou shalt win.
- John Bunyan
These troubles and distresses you are experiencing in these waters are no indication that God has abandoned you. Rather, they are sent to test you to see whether or not you will recall the evidences of his past goodness and rely upon him in your present distresses.
- John Bunyan
Just like the continent on which it is placed, this town has no equal under the whole heaven.
- John Bunyan
he who doesn't come in by the door, but climbs up some other way, that person is a thief and a robber'?
- John Bunyan
holiness teaches him to inwardly condemn his sin and doing it in secret. It also teaches him to suppress sin in his family and to promote holiness in the world. He does so not by just talking about it, as a hypocrite or talkative person might do, but by practical application in faith and love to the power of the Word.
- John Bunyan
Also besides these teachings of God in His word, the Lord made use of two things to confirm me in this truth; the one was the errors of the Quakers and the other was the guilt of sin; for as the Quakers did oppose this truth, so God did the more confirm me in it, by leading me into the scripture that did wonderfully maintain it.
- John Bunyan
When Christians unto carnal men give ear, Out of their way they go, and pay for 't dear; For Master Worldly Wiseman can but shew A saint the way to bondage and to woe.
- John Bunyan
Pharisee, God hath appointed, that by the righteousness of his Son, and by that righteousness only, men shall be justified in his sight from the curse of the law. Wherefore, take heed, and at thy peril, whatever thy righteousness is, confront not the righteousness of Christ therewith. I say, bring it not in, let it not plead for thee at the bar of God, nor do thou plead for that in his court of justice; for thou canst not do this and be innocent.
- John Bunyan
For many there are, who, in the day of grace and mercy, despise those things which are indeed the birthright to heaven, who yet when the deciding day appears, will cry as lord as Esau, Lord, Lord, open to us; but then, as Isaac would not repent, no more will God the Father, but will say, I have blessed these, yea, and they shall be blessed; but as for you, Depart, you are the workers of iniquity.  Gen. xxvii. 32; Luke xiii. 25-27.
- John Bunyan
there is more virtue in one sin to destroy, than in all thy righteousness to save thee alive.
- John Bunyan
Then have we right thoughts of God, when we think that He knows us better than we know ourselves, and can see sin in us when and where we can see none in ourselves; when we think He knows our inmost thoughts, and that our heart, with all its depths, is always open unto His eyes; also when we think that all our righteousness stinks in His nostrils, and that therefore He cannot abide to see us stand before Him in any confidence, even in all our best performances.
- John Bunyan
still answering, as fast as the destroyer said, Sell Him; I will not, I will not, I will not, I will not; no, not for thousands, thousands, thousands of worlds: thus reckoning, lest I should, in the midst of these assaults, set too low a value on Him;
- John Bunyan