Quotes from John Bunyan
This pretty bird, O! how she flies and sings,[1] But could she do so if she had not wings? Her wings bespeak my faith, her songs my peace; When I believe and sing my doubtings cease.
- John Bunyan
And as I was thus in a muse, that scripture also came with great power upon my spirit, Not by works of righteousness that we have done, but according to His mercy He hath saved us, etc. 2 Tim. i. 9; Tit. iii. 5. Now was I got on high, I saw myself within the arms of grace and mercy; and though I was before afraid to think of a dying hour, yet, now I cried, Let me die:
- John Bunyan
Every fat must stand upon its own bottom;
- John Bunyan
Everybody is willing to praise the goodness of men publicly, but who is there who is as impressed with the goodness of God as he should be?
- John Bunyan
When he was taken this last time, he was preaching on these words, viz.:Dost thou believe the Son of God? And this imprisonment continued six years, and when this was over, another short affliction, which was an imprisonment of half a year, fell to his share. During these confinements he wrote the following books, viz.: Of Prayer by the Spirit: The Holy City's Resurrection: Grace Abounding: Pilgrim's Progress, the first part.
- John Bunyan
Christ is my righteousness. I am neither less righteous for my ill deservings nor more righteous for my good deservings, for Christ is my righteousness, and He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
- John Bunyan
His heart was full of sorrow every step of the way. Sometimes he sighed, sometimes he wept, and he often chided himself for being so foolish as to fall asleep in that place. After all, it had been established for the purpose of modest refreshment from his weariness.
- John Bunyan
True or right fear is revealed in three things. First, it comes with a saving conviction for sin. Also, it drives the soul to lay hold of Christ for salvation. And finally, it births and continues in the soul as a great reverence of God, his Word, and his ways by keeping the soul tender and making it afraid to turn from these things to anything that would dishonor God, break its peace, grieve the Spirit, or cause the enemy to speak reproachfully.
- John Bunyan
Then Apollyon straddled quite over the whole breadth of the way, and said I am void of fear in this matter. Prepare thyself to die; for I swear by my infernal den, that thou go no farther: here will I spill thy soul.
- John Bunyan
Where Will You Spend Eternity? And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: (Hebrews 9:27 KJV) I want to know, my friend Where will your life now end? Where will you spend eternity? Will it be Heaven or Hell? No one can run, or hide So now, my friend, you must decide Where will you spend eternity? Heaven or Hell?
- John Bunyan
Satan is always for being too soon or too late. If he would have men believe they are children, he would have them believe it while they are slaves, slaves to him and their lusts. If he would have them believe they are slaves, it is when they are sons, and have received the spirit of adoption, and the testimony, by that, of their sonship before.
- John Bunyan
He has given me rest by his sorrow and life by his death.
- John Bunyan