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Quotes from John Bunyan

Many times I am forced in my prayers, first to beg of God that he would take mine heart, and set it on himself in Christ, and when it is there, that he would keep it there.
- John Bunyan
Some who set out for this crown, even after they have gone quite a long ways, allow others who come along to snatch their victory from them. So hold fast to what you have, and let no man take away your crown.' You are not yet out of reach of the gunshot of the Devil.
- John Bunyan
Bun.  That practice of theirs, I abhor, said I; yet it doth not follow that, because they did so, therefore all others will do so.  I look upon it as my duty to behave myself under the King's government, both as becomes a man and a Christian, and if an occasion were offered me, I should willingly manifest my loyalty to my Prince, both by word and deed.
- John Bunyan
Then I thought that it is easier going out of the way when we are in, than going in when we are out.)
- John Bunyan
369} HOPE. I do believe, as you say, that fear tends much to men's good, and to make them right, at their beginning to go on pilgrimage.
- John Bunyan
The Swamp of Despond is that place set before the narrow gate where true and false pilgrims alike are assaulted by their own internal corruption and pollution. The dirt and scum that has attached itself to our hearts and minds is agitated and revealed by both the workings of a guilty conscience and the devouring avarice of the enemy of our souls. The
- John Bunyan
As for your burden, be content to bear this load until you come to the place of Deliverance, for there it will fall from your back of its own accord.
- John Bunyan
Matt. Then Matthew who had been sick, asked her, Why for the most part Physick should be bitter to our palates? Prud. To shew how unwelcome the Word of God and the effects thereof are to a Carnal Heart. Matt. Why does Physick, if it does good, purge, and cause that we vomit? Prud. To shew that the Word, when it works effectually, cleanseth the Heart and Mind. For look, what the one doth to the Body the other doth to the Soul.
- John Bunyan
You can see that the law can both discover and condemn sin, but it has no power to control it.
- John Bunyan
Obstinate was curious and asked, "What are the things you are searching for that can't be found in this world?" "I'm searching for a joy that does not fade," replied Christian, "a secure inheritance in Heaven that cannot be corrupted and will be given at the appointed time to those who earnestly search for it." He held out the book in his hand. "Don't take my word for it. Read it in my book."11
- John Bunyan
Jesus has given me rest by means of His sorrow and life by means of His death!
- John Bunyan
For why? The Lord our God is good' His mercy is for ever sure; His truth at all times firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure.
- John Bunyan