Quotes from John Bunyan
First is his ability to turn you from the way you should go and get you sidetracked. The second is the way he works to portray the cross as odious to you, and lastly, that he points you in the direction which leads to death.
- John Bunyan
Evangelist spoke from his heart with great passion. "You cannot be justified by the works of the law, because it isn't how one follows the law or the good things they do that rids one of their burden. This makes Worldly Wiseman nothing more than an illegal guide and Mr. Legality a cheat. As for Legality's son Civility, he is full of hot air. With his smirking facade he is nothing but a hypocrite
- John Bunyan
Let the Kingdom be always before you, and believe with certainty and consistency the things that are yet unseen. Let nothing that is on this side of eternal life get inside you.
- John Bunyan
is the heavenly glory of so little worth with him, that he counteth it not worth running the risk of a few difficulties to obtain it?
- John Bunyan
How sinful you are, oh sleep! Because of you my journey which should have been in the light has been overtaken by the night! I must walk without the sun. Darkness covers the path of my feet, and now I must listen to noises of miserable creatures, all because of my sinful sleep!
- John Bunyan
Better, though difficult, the right way to go. Than wrong, though easy, where the end is woe.
- John Bunyan
Everyone needs to make his own choices. You need to mind your own business and not meddle in ours. So
- John Bunyan
It is to be called a fearful Word, because of the truth and faithfulness of it. The Scriptures cannot be broken. Here they are called the Scriptures of truth, the true sayings of God, and also the fear of the Lord, for that every jot and tittle thereof is for ever settled in heaven, and stand more steadfast than doth the world—Heaven and earth, saith Christ, shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away (Matt 24:
- John Bunyan
Yea, look diligently, and leave no corner therein unsearched for that treasure hid, even the treasure of your first and second experience of the grace of God towards you. Remember, I say, the word that first laid hold upon you: remember your terrors of conscience, and fear of death and hell: remember also your tears and prayers to God; yea, how you sighed under every hedge for mercy.
- John Bunyan
A true work of grace at work in the heart is evident to the person himself as well as it is to the people around him. To the one who has it, it brings conviction of sin, especially the defilement of his new nature and the sin of unbelief for which he would be damned, if it weren't for the mercy at God's hand by faith in Jesus Christ.
- John Bunyan
My name at the first was Graceless.
- John Bunyan
If you continue in this direction you are likely to experience wearisomeness, painfulness, hunger, perils, nakedness, sword, lions, dragons, darkness, and, in a word, death, and who knows what else.
- John Bunyan