Quotes from Dorothy Day
Recording happiness made it last longer, we felt, and recording sorrow dramatized it and took away its bitterness; and often we settled some problem which beset us even while we wrote about it.
- Dorothy Day
The idea that when the health of one member suffers, the health of the whole body is lowered is a teaching of St Paul which is timeless.
- Dorothy Day
The greatest challenge of the day is: how to bring about a revolution of the heart, a revolution which has to start with each one of us?
- Dorothy Day
We cannot build up the idea of the apostolate of the laity without the foundation of the liturgy.
- Dorothy Day
The vanity of Eve, that desire to exercise power, to seduce, to drag down!
- Dorothy Day
With prayer, one can go on cheerfully and even happily. Without prayer, how grim a journey!
- Dorothy Day
I offered up a special prayer, a prayer which came with tears and anguish, that some way would open up for me to use what talents I possessed for my fellow workers, for the poor.
- Dorothy Day
What else do we all want, each one of us, except to love and be loved, in our families, in our work, in all our relationships?
- Dorothy Day
Love casts out fear, but we have to get over the fear in order to get close enough to love them.
- Dorothy Day
Common sense in religion is rare, and we are too often trying to be heroic instead of just ordinarily good and kind.
- Dorothy Day
How much did I hear of religion as a child? Very little, and yet my heart leaped when I heard the name of God. I do believe every soul has a tendency toward God.
- Dorothy Day
It is only through religion that communism can be achieved, and has been achieved over and over.
- Dorothy Day