Quotes from Ted DiBiase Sr.
The difference between Eric Bischoff and Vince McMahon is Vince McMahon knows how to create a star. Eric took a company and took it down.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I was fortunate. I probably could have saved more money, too. But, it's like, even though I'm not really the Million Dollar Man, I have a retirement account, I saved some money, and I did some right things.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
Vulgarity, in my mind, is not cool.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I walked away from a lot, I could have stayed in the industry in some capacity and had a fairly cushy income, and I chose to follow God. If it happened all over again, I would do that same thing.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
By the time Vince McMahon called upon me to become this character, the Million Dollar Man, I had already been wrestling for 12 years.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
The road can become a very lonely place. It's not what it's cracked up to be. Of course, it's what you make it.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
Well, you know, I was a top heel in the company for a long time and whether I was moved over to a tag team with Mike Rotunda, you know, we were a top heel team.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
Well, the mission statement of Heart of David is that we're a ministry of evangelism and encouragement. Evangelism meaning that I evangelize I travel on a weekly basis to churches not only churches but I find myself doing a lot more men's events, I talk to a lot more men and I go to a lot of prisons.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I am a minister and I preach forgiveness all time.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I'm a minister, I preach forgiveness all the time.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
As a boss I can't complain, I know Vince has given a lot of guys that had differences with him second chances. I know when I left to go to WCW he wasn't particularly happy with me but he brought me back, we buried that hatchet and everything is fine.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.
I am Heart of David because Heart of David Ministry, the Ministry is a Ministry of evangelism. It's like I'm the chief cook and bottle washer. What the Ministry is is it's me going out, it's me going to churches. I go to prisons. I go to foreign countries and I share the gospel.
- Ted DiBiase Sr.