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Quotes from Earl Nightingale

one extra hour of study per day and you 'll be a national expert in five years or less
- Earl Nightingale
Live this new way and the flood gates of abundance will open and pour over you more riches than you may have dreamed existed. Money, yes, lots of it, but what's more important you'll have peace. You'll be in that wonderful minority who lead calm, cheerful successful lives. Start today. You have nothing to lose. But you have a life to win.
- Earl Nightingale
Don't concern yourself with the money. Be of service ... build ... work ... dream ... create! Do this and you'll find there is no limit to the prosperity and abundance that will come to you.
- Earl Nightingale
Everything that's really worthwhile in life came to us free — our minds, our souls, our bodies, our hopes, our dreams, our ambitions, our intelligence, our love of family and children and friends and country.
- Earl Nightingale
It is not what happens to you in life that makes the difference. It is how you react to each circumstance you encounter that determines the result. Every human being in the same situation has the possibilities of choosing how he will react - either positively or negatively.
- Earl Nightingale
Nothing great was ever accomplished without inspiration.
- Earl Nightingale
Ask, and it shall be given you. Seek, and ye shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh, recieveth. And he that seeketh, findeth. And to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
- Earl Nightingale
A success is anyone who is doing deliberately a worthy predetermined job, because that's what he decided to do ... deliberately.
- Earl Nightingale
If your opportunity comes and you are not prepared for it, it will only make you look foolish.
- Earl Nightingale
Learn to enjoy every minute of your life. Be happy now. Don't wait for something outside of yourself to make you happy in the future.
- Earl Nightingale
Your success will always be measured by the quality and quantity of service you render.
- Earl Nightingale
don't worry. Worry brings fear, and fear is crippling. The only thing that could cause worry during this test is trying to do it all yourself. Know that all you have to do is to hold your goal before you. Everything else will take care of itself. Remember also to keep calm and cheerful. Don't let petty things annoy you and get you off course.
- Earl Nightingale