Quotes from Eric Metaxas
We've gone all the way from foolishly accepting authority to foolishly rejecting all authority.
- Eric Metaxas
A state which which includes within itself a terrorized Church has lost its most faithful servant.
- Eric Metaxas
It is a question of the freedom of God, which finds its strongest evidence precisely in that God freely chose to be bound to historical human beings and to be placed at the disposal of human beings. God is free not from human beings but for them. Christ is the word of God's freedom.
- Eric Metaxas
Describing Bonhoeffer's demeanor on returning to danger in Germany rather than safety in America, with "with a strong and joyful firmness such as only arises out of realized freedom.
- Eric Metaxas
Restricting the religious impulses of Americans is precisely like killing free enterprise with too many regulations.
- Eric Metaxas
A Christian worldview impacts every area of life. Including making your house a home.
- Eric Metaxas
Religious liberty is misunderstood. It simply means that the Founders said that everyone in America should have the freedom to practice and exercise their religion. Not to believe it but to exercise our beliefs - to act on our beliefs. It's not about believing privately in your head, privately in that building, or simply about freedom of worship.
- Eric Metaxas
We're commanded by God to worship God with our mind.
- Eric Metaxas
Religious liberty is the salt and light that has made us the great nation we are in a whole number of ways.
- Eric Metaxas
Everyone needs to stop and breathe and look at how redefining marriage will have a hugely chilling effect on religious liberty in America.
- Eric Metaxas
Christians who enjoy and support art and culture, who make it a priority in their lives, and who reach out to those in the arts instead of reflexively pushing them away, can help bring the culture toward a renewed appreciation of goodness, truth, and beauty. And that is good for everyone.
- Eric Metaxas
Doesn't assuming that an intelligence created these perfect conditions require far less faith than believing that a life-sustaining Earth just happened to beat the inconceivable odds to come into being?
- Eric Metaxas