Quotes from Eric Metaxas
Wilberforce says that when he was first taken to a play, "it was almost by force." It seems severe and ridiculous to us that what he had imbibed of religion would make him think the theater sinful, but we have to appreciate the circumstances and shibboleths of that era.
- Eric Metaxas
For refusing to swear his allegiance to Hitler, Barth would be kicked out of Germany in 1934, and he would become the principal author of the Barmen Declaration, in which the Confessing Church trumpeted its rejection of the Nazis' attempts to bring their philosophy into the German church.
- Eric Metaxas
Human beings were taken from the earth and don't just consist of thin air and thoughts.
- Eric Metaxas
But so successful would Wilberforce and these other Christians be at bringing a concern for the poor and a social conscience into the society at large that by the next century, during the Victorian era, this attitude would become culturally mainstream.
- Eric Metaxas
Bonhoeffer's three conclusions—that the church must question the state, help the state's victims, and work against the state, if necessary—were too much for almost everyone. But for him they were inescapable. In time, he would do all three.
- Eric Metaxas
Part of what makes the concept of miracles and God's intervention such a hot topic for so many people is that everyone wonders how a God who is presumably running the entire universe will not heal someone of cancer but will find someone else a parking space.
- Eric Metaxas
Anyone on the side of truth, wherever it led, was a compatriot to be lauded.
- Eric Metaxas
Perhaps even more important in the Bonhoeffer family was acting upon what one said one believed. One must not only think clearly but must prove one's thoughts in action. If one was unprepared to live out what one claimed to believe, perhaps one didn't believe what one claimed after all!
- Eric Metaxas
There's no sense to expect the fruits where the Word really is no longer being preached.
- Eric Metaxas
Where a people prays, there is the church; and where the church is; there is never loneliness. - Dietrich Bonhoeffer
- Eric Metaxas
The Bonhoeffers raised their children to do the right thing, so when they behaved selflessly and bravely, it was difficult to argue.
- Eric Metaxas
Fundamentally we feel that we really belong to death already, and that every new day is a miracle.
- Eric Metaxas