Quotes from Margaret Atwood
Death is much too high a price to pay for the satisfaction of curiosity, needless to say.
- Margaret Atwood
Even sex was no longer what it had once been, though he was still as addicted to it as ever. He felt jerked around by his own dick, as if the rest of him was merely an inconsequential knob that happened to be attached to one end of it. Maybe the thing would be happier if left to roam around on its own.
- Margaret Atwood
People need such stories, because however dark, a darkness with voices in it is better than a silent void.
- Margaret Atwood
Walking into the crowd was like sinking into a stew - you became an ingredient, you took on a certain flavour.
- Margaret Atwood
Your friend is intellectually honourable, Jimmy's mother would say. He doesn't lie to himself.
- Margaret Atwood
But sins must not be overlooked simply because the sinner is skilled.
- Margaret Atwood
You don't believe the sky is falling until a chunk of it falls on you.
- Margaret Atwood
The beauty is an illusion, and also a warning: there's a dark side to beauty, as with poisonous butterflies.
- Margaret Atwood
As it says in the Bible, For now we through a glass, darkly; but then face to face. If it is face to face, there must be two looking.
- Margaret Atwood
It is shocking how many crimes the Bible contains. The Governor's wife should cut them all out and paste them into her scrapbook.
- Margaret Atwood
In reduced circumstances the desire to live attaches itself to strange objects. I would like a pet: a bird, say, or a cat. A familiar. Anything at all familiar.
- Margaret Atwood
She talks with wolves, without knowing what sort of beasts they are: Where have you been all my life? they ask. Where have I been all my life? she replies.
- Margaret Atwood