Quotes from Lauraine Snelling
Joy is everywhere. You just have to recognize it.
- Lauraine Snelling
Mor had said she would pray for them. One side of Signe's mind said, Bosh, a waste of time. But the other side, the one that grew up praying and believing that God was indeed real and in His heaven, that He cared about His people here on earth and listened to their cries—that part fought to break free from the chest where she had banished it.
- Lauraine Snelling
Thou knowest our hearts, thou knowest our inmost beings, and we thank thee that thou lovest us anyway, for we are thy children and the sheep of thy pasture. Keep us in thy will that we may bring glory and honor to thy name. In Jesus' blessed name we pray. Amen.
- Lauraine Snelling
big house to the slave quarters was nothing short of miraculous as far as
- Lauraine Snelling
Ingeborg lifted her face to the sun, eyes closed, listening to the sounds of the lake—wavelets lapping the shore, birds singing and two jays scolding above them, the wind sharing secrets with the crags, and children laughing and shouting. The mountain music filled Ingeborg with such joy, it leaked out her eyes and down her cheeks.
- Lauraine Snelling
things hoped for, the assurance of things unseen." "We must have faith." Kaaren closed the book in her lap. "Ja, we must," Ingeborg acknowledged. But
- Lauraine Snelling
bottle and poured a spoonful. She held one to his
- Lauraine Snelling
Instruments of God. We are the hammer, but our Father is the carpenter. Do not thank the hammer for a carpentry job well done. Snelling, Lauraine. An Untamed Heart (Red River of the North)
- Lauraine Snelling
She looked around the table. "All of you! You all worked together in concert perfectly. I am so proud of you! We did an impossible job, and we did it as well as it could be done. You not only worked together and did what was needed of you, you did more than a person can do, sometimes even more than a grown-up would do. I can't praise you enough. Thank you. And thanks to our heavenly Father.
- Lauraine Snelling
Knowing in her head that God knew of His plans for her and convincing her heart were two different things.
- Lauraine Snelling
Some of the greatest blessings take a long time in coming, as God works out His plans.
- Lauraine Snelling
We people aren't too different from the cows, are we? Never content with what we have, always leaning through the fence in search of more.
- Lauraine Snelling