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Quotes from Glenn Beck

People came here for a reason, to follow their conscience, to be free!
- Glenn Beck
It's clear to me that if we raise children with no moral compass, we are planting the seeds of our own destruction.
- Glenn Beck
America comes with both rights and responsibilities. You have, for example, the right to free speech, but you have the responsibility to not yell 'fire' in a crowded theater. If you don't live up to that responsibility, you face certain consequences. It's a simple but effective formula. Unfortunately, tenured professors are completely insulated from it. They can scream fire in their classrooms all they want - and then hide behind their tenure if anyone questions them on it.
- Glenn Beck
If you don't change, you're dead or dead inside.
- Glenn Beck
I believe in you. I believe that you are the people that will make the difference. I believe that we cannot conquer darkness with darkness. We cannot conquer evil with evil, we must fight darkness with light. We must not tear down, but buildup.
- Glenn Beck
Our forbears came to these shores not for free stuff, but for freedom. The chance to make their own way, create a different life. They came here because they knew that God made them free to make their own way in life, take the risk, do their best and take responsibility for their own lives. They came here because they wanted to serve Him in the way they believed, not as they were told.
- Glenn Beck
Whatever the reason, too many are no longer willing to call evil by its name. There is no vision. And when there is no vision, the people perish.
- Glenn Beck
Hollywood, Woodstock, nor the hippie culture was the source of power of the 1960's freedom movement. God was.
- Glenn Beck
He was leading those who risked their lives over that bridge in Selma, not Janice Joplin, Columbia University, or a labor union. It wasn't John Lennon that taught people about love and peaceful resistance — that job fell on the shoulders of a Jewish carpenter.
- Glenn Beck
We have only one life. We may waste it, or we may use it to learn of God and what God wants for us. And we all make mistakes. Only one life.
- Glenn Beck
Anyone who speaks of punishing their political enemies in on the wrong side. It is clearly evil and we have a responsibility to say so.
- Glenn Beck
My civil rights will not be trampled, and I say this not for me but for my children, and all those who yearn to breathe free. Those who make your Apple products at Foxxcon, those who languish in prisons in Cuba, North Korea and Venezuela. Those homosexuals who are stoned to death in the streets of Egypt or Iran, while our so-called civil rights leaders hold coffee klatches with third graders in the White House.
- Glenn Beck