Quotes from Glenn Beck
Imagine our kids begging and pleading, throwing tantrums to get you to buy more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Yes, this is possible. It is possible to create this world!" And that's what all of this is really about: creating a world that meets the approval of the Obamas and other controllists.
- Glenn Beck
Life is a journey. As you walk along the road you can either look back or you can look ahead. ... Look ahead. Always look for the very next step.
- Glenn Beck
It must be frustrating for decent parents to watch their children fall under the influence of radical educators, and sometimes make foolish decisions based on the predominant cultures in their schools. But no one should be surprised it happens—far too many educators are moral relativists who reject the notion of absolute right or wrong.
- Glenn Beck
At this time of great need for values such as goodness, virtue, and modesty, religion is increasingly targeted as the barrier instead of being embraced as a savior. This lie needs to be rejected---not by words, but by example.
- Glenn Beck
A 2008 study conducted by Specialty Research Associates shows that the rates of teen sex, pregnancy, and venereal disease, along with crime, illiteracy, drug use, and suicide, started going through the roof almost immediately following the 1962 Supreme Court decision that ended teacher-led prayer in public schools.
- Glenn Beck
Oh no, no, a state that adopts Common Core must adopt in its totality the Common Core and can only add 15 percent." It was then that I realized that this initiative, which had been constantly portrayed as state led and voluntary, was really about control.
- Glenn Beck
It's never too late. We've come around to a better way of life with showing love and giving love. That's what matters.
- Glenn Beck
The world isn't against you, Eddie," he continued. "You are against you. You have to realize that no one is meant to carry the load alone. We're all in this together. Once you realize that you can ask for help, your whole world will change.
- Glenn Beck
Roy G. Biv" to remember the colors and she made up a rhyme: A rainbow is named Roy G. Biv To remember the colors and the joy they give.
- Glenn Beck
I said, "Mom…" "Yes?" "Thank you for all you do for me. For how much you work and change your schedule to be with me." "How did you know I did that?" "I just don't say thank you enough." She looked at me and her eyes filled. "Do you know why I do it, Eddie?" "Why?" "Because you're my greatest joy, Eddie. You're my joy.
- Glenn Beck
Lou Kitchenmaster, a retired teacher from Michigan, wrote an editorial in 2012 that puts the progressive position in perfect perspective: None of us would expect our major auto makers to build a high-quality product given damaged or defective materials; however, too many unfairly expect our public schools to accomplish such, regardless of the inherent condition of the "product" they receive. So he considers poor kids to be "damaged or defective materials.
- Glenn Beck
It just goes to show you that the "R" and the "D" are meaningless - what really matters is whether someone believes in the spirit and unending compassion of the individual, or instead in the destructive power of the collective.
- Glenn Beck