Quotes from Rick Renner
Before the antichrist can be welcomed with wide-open arms by the world, a change in society's mentality must first take place.
- Rick Renner
To bring the Church back to where God wants it to be will require great courage on the part of God's leaders, His spokesmen. They must be willing to acknowledge the present sad condition of large portions of the Church. Then they must rise up and both publicly and privately refute every form of deception with a steadfast stance on God's truth — regardless of the consequences to them personally.
- Rick Renner
There's too much at stake for you to let some little thing distract you and pull you down into defeat.
- Rick Renner
After the cave was authenticated as the place of Christ's birth, Helena's son, Emperor Constantine, issued a decree for the first church building to be constructed on that site in the year 326 AD.9 That earliest church in Bethlehem was built directly on the land above the cave where Christ was born, and in 339 AD, the Church of the Nativity of Christ was dedicated.10
- Rick Renner
In Matthew 13:55 and 56, we read that after Mary gave birth to Jesus (He was Mary's firstborn), she gave birth to four more boys and to at least two girls. That means Jesus was the eldest of at least six siblings. Matthew 13:55 says about Jesus, "Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses [Joseph], and Simon, and Jude?
- Rick Renner
Let Me tell you unequivocally what is going to happen at the end of the age: There will be an invasion of seducing spirits with doctrines of demons that will attempt to lead the world into widespread, wide-scale deception and delusion. I am telling you up front and in language so clear that you cannot misunderstand — unprecedented delusion will enter the world in that hour.
- Rick Renner
With selective hearing, these individuals will hold to the status quo and gravitate toward those who will tell them what they want to hear at the neglect of what they need to hear.
- Rick Renner
We will plant our feet firmly on the solid rock of God's Word and refuse to be moved by spirits of seduction that are luring the rest of the world into deception offered in a myriad of forms.
- Rick Renner
Have we forgotten that what we tolerate, we empower? Silence is communication! Silence communicates agreement and grants permission. We enable deception when we refuse to confront the lies. Silence is not an option!
- Rick Renner
Do not jockey for position or try to prove your importance to others with a lot of hollow, empty boasting and self-promotion. Instead, have a modest opinion of yourself, and learn to recognize the outstanding contributions that others have to impart.
- Rick Renner
Because they no longer wanted to retain God in their minds and lives, Paul informed us in Romans 1:28 that "God gave them over.
- Rick Renner
The challenge before us as God's people is to refuse to allow our thinking to be muddied by the spirit of this age.
- Rick Renner