Quotes from Rick Renner
When believers allow sin and compromise to be in their lives, it drains away the power in the work of the Cross and the power of the Spirit that is resident in a believer's life.
- Rick Renner
You can extend your heart to the Holy Spirit today. Let Him take you by the hand — and He will safely guide you to the place where God wants you to go!
- Rick Renner
Love passionately bears with others for as long as patience is needed; love doesn't demand others to be like itself, but is so focused on the needs of others that it bends over backwards to become what others need it to be; love is not ambitious, self-centered, or so consumed with itself that it never thinks of the needs or desires that others possess.…
- Rick Renner
Rather than act like a victim who cannot do anything about myself or my circumstance, today I start the process of acknowledging my sin and removing these attitudes, actions, and sins that are unworthy of the new creation I am today in Christ. I can be free, and I will be free. I will be ALL that God intended for me to be!
- Rick Renner
Knowledge without application eventually becomes boring and unfulfilling
- Rick Renner
Speaking as God's spokesmen is one of the greatest responsibilities ever given to us as believers. We must handle His Word carefully and do our best to impart its powerful truth in its purest form to others.
- Rick Renner
Jesus made it very clear in His discourse about the end of the age in Matthew 24 that deception and delusion in society — and even in certain sectors of the Church — will be the primary sign that we are near the end of the age.
- Rick Renner
If you know someone who is discouraged because his fight isn't won yet, speak to that person truthfully and forthrightly, the way a commanding officer would speak to his troops.
- Rick Renner
This prophesied period of deception will be so intense that people will believe what is false over what is obviously true, even denying facts and truths that are common sense and that nature itself teaches (see Romans 1:20).
- Rick Renner
There is no substitute for the Word of God — for the true power of the Gospel (see Romans 1:16). But neither is there a substitute for the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit in the Church. In fact, these two go together as one. If the Spirit's presence and power are removed, all that's left is orthodoxy and religious works. But religion will never raise the dead, cast out demons, heal the sick, or turn cities and nations to Jesus Christ!
- Rick Renner
The moral climate is dramatically shifting, as Scripture prophesied it would at the conclusion of the age. But we who refuse to make room for compromise in our faith must hold our position with confidence, understanding that we have been ordained by God to live in this hour. We were chosen for this moment to demonstrate victorious living in Jesus Christ — by His all-sufficient grace — in a world that has run amuck.
- Rick Renner
what deliberate steps are you taking to make sure the toxic smoke of the world's way of thinking isn't sifting into your own personal space to poison your mental, emotional, and spiritual "atmosphere"?
- Rick Renner