Quotes from Rick Warren
SELECTING THE RIGHT TOOLS FOR GOOD BIBLE STUDY Probably one of the best-kept secrets in Christendom is the availability of practical Bible study helps. Many Christians are not aware of the many excellent reference tools currently available to make personal Bible study possible and exciting. This is comparable to a carpenter who sets out to build a house without knowing that a hammer and saw are available to him.
- Rick Warren
Cruciferous vegetables are the super detoxification foods.
- Rick Warren
Never again should you wonder what you have to be thankful for.
- Rick Warren
How you manage your money affects how much God can bless your life.
- Rick Warren
Ignoring a temptation is far more effective than fighting.
- Rick Warren
Thinking about My Purpose POINT TO PONDER: Happiness is my choice. I don't need anyone's approval to be happy. VERSE TO REMEMBER: "Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close." PSALM 27:10 (NLT) QUESTION TO CONSIDER: Whose opinion matters most to me? Whose approval am I living for?
- Rick Warren
Think reds, orange, yellows, greens, purple, blue — the darker and deeper the colors, the better they are for you.
- Rick Warren
While we worry about how fast we grow, God is concerned about how strong we grow. God views our lives from and for eternity, so he is never in a hurry.
- Rick Warren
Time is your most precious gift because you only have a set amount of it. You can make more money, but you can't make more time. When you give someone your time, you are giving them a portion of your life that you will never get back. Your time is your life. That is why the greatest gift you can give someone is your time.
- Rick Warren
The darker and richer the colors, the more unique and wonderful the fruits, the more power-packed nutrition they contain.
- Rick Warren
What matters is not the duration of your life, but the donation of it.
- Rick Warren
Practise constant conversation with God and continual meditation on His Word. Prayer lets you speak to God; meditation lets God speak to you. Both are essential to becoming a friend of God.
- Rick Warren