Quotes from Rick Warren
Regardless of the cause, none of your problems could happen without God's permission.
- Rick Warren
When you feel nothing, God is teaching you to live by faith.
- Rick Warren
People are always more encouraged when we share how God's grace helped us in weakness than when we brag about our strengths.
- Rick Warren
Anytime you feel jealous or envious, you reject your uniqueness. It's a criticism of God's plan for you.
- Rick Warren
I can't imagine God not allowing my dog into heaven.
- Rick Warren
When I am playing with my grandchildren, that brings glory to God. So I don't think glory to God is simply serious. I do think that there is glory of God in laughter.
- Rick Warren
I'd rather have all my questions unanswered and walk with God than not walk with God and have all my questions answered.
- Rick Warren
Accidents are just incidents in God's good plan for you.
- Rick Warren
People aren't things to be molded; they are lives to be unfolded. And that's what true leaders do. They unfold the lives of others and help them reach their God-given potential.
- Rick Warren
If you have ever said, "I didn't get anything out of worship today," you worshiped for the wrong reason. Worship isn't for you. It's for God.
- Rick Warren
Instant obedience will teach you more about God than a lifetime of Bible discussions.
- Rick Warren
Every human activity, except sin, can be done for God's pleasure, if you do it with an attitude of praise.
- Rick Warren