Quotes from Rick Warren
God has given you a mission in life, and only you can fulfill it.
- Rick Warren
God is not a cruel slave driver or a bully who uses brute force to coerce us into submission. He doesn't try to break our will, but woos us to himself so that we might offer ourselves freely to him. God is a lover and a liberator, and surrendering to him brings freedom, not bondage. When we completely surrender ourselves to Jesus, we discover that he is not a tyrant, but a savior; not a boss, but a brother; not a dictator, but a friend.
- Rick Warren
Most conflict is rooted in unmet needs. Some of these needs can only be met by God. When you expect anyone — a friend, spouse, boss, or family member — to meet a need that only God can fulfill, you are setting yourself up for disappointment and bitterness. No one can meet all of your needs except God.
- Rick Warren
The heirloom biblical wheat of our ancestors is something modern humans never eat.
- Rick Warren
Gluten is found in wheat barley, rye, spelt, oats, and kamut and holds bread together and makes it rise.
- Rick Warren
Delay only deepens resentment and makes matters worse. In conflict, time heals nothing; it causes hurts to fester.
- Rick Warren
God's view of life: Life is a test, life is a trust, and life is a temporary assignment.
- Rick Warren
God often calls surrendered people to do battle on his behalf.
- Rick Warren
Use your ears more than your mouth.
- Rick Warren
Work becomes worship when you dedicate it to God and perform it with an awareness of his presence.
- Rick Warren
Our philosophy is that if it was grown on a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, leave it on the shelf.
- Rick Warren
Listening says, "I value your opinion, I care about our relationship, and you matter to me." The cliché is true: People don't care what we know until they know we care.
- Rick Warren