Quotes from Bowen Yang
I thought of myself as a very goal-oriented person. The more I've aged, the more I'm like, well, maybe I'm not that ambitious.
- Bowen Yang
I thought going in that I had to have this very broad, very palatable sensibility that works for everybody, but then the stuff that I'm the most proud of, and probably even got the most success from, was outwardly an expression of queerness or gayness. That's been a nice surprise.
- Bowen Yang
Gosh, my own podcast, Las Culturistas,' is so unstructured and loose. There's no preparation that goes into it. It's just about plugging in and playing.
- Bowen Yang
I think as queer people, we were very used to accommodating.
- Bowen Yang
I always end up making friends at Pride and like, I see them throughout the year, but then you always have that nice, fond memory of, 'Oh my goodness I saw that person at this march, or this event.'
- Bowen Yang
You know, you might not think that Wigglytuff can, like, throw a thunder or lightning-type move at you. But, oh, just you watch.
- Bowen Yang
We tell ourselves, It's important to get a sense of what people are saying about me.' But it really feeds some narcissistic impulse to check and see if people like you.
- Bowen Yang
I wouldn't have been born if my parents had stayed in China. Which is kind of funny. But it also just kind of fills me with this existential dread.
- Bowen Yang
I was fully burnt out - and in some ways I think that was good, because I was just fully numb.
- Bowen Yang
I texted one of the writers I said, 'I have this crazy idea, I think I have to play Fran Lebowitz on Update.' The next day, Anna Drezen, our head writer, texted me, 'Crazy idea, but I think you should play Fran Lebowitz on Update.'
- Bowen Yang
When I watched The Outs,' I was like, 'Oh my god, this is just such a great, grounded, lived-in story about people my age living where I happen to live.'
- Bowen Yang