Quotes from Gordon Hinckley
I have been quoted as saying, 'Do the best you can.' But I want to emphasize that it be the very best. We are too prone to be satisfied with mediocre performance. We are capable of doing so much better.
- Gordon Hinckley
God lives. He is near. He is real. He is not only aware of us but cares for us. He is our Father. He is accessible to all who will seek Him.
- Gordon Hinckley
There would be no Christmas if there was no Easter.
- Gordon Hinckley
Teach them [your children] in such a way that they could not misunderstand the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Gordon Hinckley
Each of us is an individual. Each of us is different. There must be respect for those differences… We must work harder to build mutual respect, an attitude of forbearance, with tolerance one for another regardless of the doctrines and philosophies which we may espouse. Concerning these you and I may disagree. But we can do so with respect and civility.
- Gordon Hinckley
If we are to build that Zion of which the prophets have spoken and of which the Lord has given mighty promise, we must set aside our consuming selfishness. We must rise above our love for comfort and ease, and in the very process of effort and struggle, even in our extremity, we shall become better acquainted with our God." — Gordon B. Hinckley
- Gordon Hinckley
Stories of the beleaguered Saints and of their suffering and death will be repeated again and again...Stories of their rescue need to be repeated again and again. They speak of the very essence of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Gordon Hinckley
I am satisfied that a happy marriage is not so much a matter of romance as it is an anxious concern for the comfort and well-being of one's companion. -Gordon B. Hinckley
- Gordon Hinckley
Can we expect peace and prosperity, harmony and goodwill, when we turn our backs on the Source of our strength?
- Gordon Hinckley
Peace may be denied for a season. … But God our Eternal Father will watch over this nation and all of the civilized world who look to Him. … Our safety lies in repentance. Our strength comes from obedience to the commandments of God. "Are these perilous times? They are. But there is no need to fear. We can have peace in our hearts and peace in our homes. We can be an influence for good in this world, every one of us
- Gordon Hinckley
Great are the promises concerning this land of America. We are told unequivocally that it "is a choice land, and whatsoever nation shall possess it shall be free from bondage, and from captivity, and from all other nations under heaven, if they will but serve the God of the land, who is Jesus Christ" (Ether 2:12). This is the crux of the entire matter—obedience to the commandments of God.
- Gordon Hinckley
Through centuries of time, men and women, so very, very many, have lived and died. Some may die in the conflict that lies ahead. To us, and we bear solemn testimony of this, death will not be the end. There is life beyond this as surely as there is life here. Through the great plan which became the very essence of the War in Heaven, men shall go on living.
- Gordon Hinckley