Quotes from John Owen
Sin will not only be striving, acting, rebelling, troubling, disquieting, but if let alone, if not continually mortified, it will bring forth great, cursed, scandalous, soul-destroying sins.
- John Owen
However, this I shall say, that there is no duty which in this world we perform unto God that is more acceptable unto him than fervent prayers for a right understanding of his mind and will in his word; for hereon all the glory we give unto him, and the due performance of all our obedience, do depend.
- John Owen
When we are overtaken with a sin, we sometimes fail to analyze how we fell. This is to our great disadvantage. We repent of the sin, but we do not consider the temptation that was the cause of it.
- John Owen
Not to be daily mortifying sin, is to sin against the goodness, kindness, wisdom, grace, and love of God, who hath furnished us with a principle of doing it.
- John Owen
And it cannot be denied but that the work and actings of the Spirit of grace in and towards believers with respect unto the duty of prayer are more frequently and expressly asserted in the Scripture than his operations with respect unto any other particular grace or duty whatever.
- John Owen
Hearken to the voice of my supplications," is rendered by the apostle Paul in which place alone in the Scripture that word is used. Originally it signifies a bough or olive-branch wrapped about with wool or bays, or something of the like nature, which those carried in their hands and lifted up who were suppliants unto others for the obtaining of peace or the averting of their displeasure.
- John Owen
The design of God was, that his word should be always read and used in that language which was commonly understood by them unto whom he granted the privilege thereof; nor could any of the ends of his wisdom and goodness in that merciful grant be otherwise attained.
- John Owen
We do it by love. Christ as crucified is the great object of our love, or should so be; for he is therein unto sinners "altogether lovely." Hence one of the ancients cried out, "My love is crucified, and why do I stay behind?" In the death of Christ do his love, his grace, his condescension, most gloriously shine forth.
- John Owen
If prayer do not constantly endeavour the ruin of sin, sin will ruin prayer, and utterly alienate the soul from it.
- John Owen
Wherefore, he is principally considered as a comforter : and, as we shall see farther afterward, this is his principal work, most suited unto his nature, as he is the Spirit of peace, love, and joy; for he who is the eternal, essential love of the Divine Being, as existing in the distinct persons of the Trinity, is most meet to communicate a sense of divine love, with delight and joy, unto the souls of believers.
- John Owen
The soul which can be satisfied without beholding the glory of Christ, is not a soul for whom Christ prays.
- John Owen
We can have no power from Christ unless we live in a persuasion that we have none of our own.
- John Owen