Quotes from John Owen
To be spiritually minded is life and peace. -- Rom. 8:6 Set your affection on things above. -- Col. 3:2
- John Owen
Faith is most satisfied and cherished with what is infinite and inconceivable, as resting absolutely in divine revelation.
- John Owen
for as gospel gifts are useless without attending unto gospel institutions, so gospel institutions are found to be fruitless and unsatisfactory without the attaining and exercising of gospel gifts.
- John Owen
Faith keeps the soul at a holy distance from these infinite depths of the divine wisdom, where it profits more by reverence and holy fear than any can do by their utmost attempt to draw nigh unto that inaccessible light wherein these glories of the divine nature do dwell.
- John Owen
Were any of us asked seriously, what it is that troubles us, we must refer it to one of these heads:— either we want strength or power, vigour and life, in our obedience, in our walking with God; or we want peace, comfort, and consolation therein. Whatever it is that may befall a believer that doth not belong to one of these two heads, doth not deserve to be mentioned in the days of our complaints. Now
- John Owen
Be it so, therefore, that these gifts we intend are not in themselves saving graces, yet are they not to be despised; for they are, as we shall show, the "powers of the world to come," by means whereof the kingdom of Christ is preserved, carried on, and propagated in the world.
- John Owen
Think greatly of the greatness of God.
- John Owen
The business in hand being to awake the whole man unto a consideration of the state and condition wherein he is, that he might be brought home to God, instead hereof he sets himself to mortify the sin that galls him, -- which is a pure issue of self-love, to be freed from his trouble, and not at all to the work he is called unto, -- and so is diverted from it.
- John Owen
Christians are called to wage war against this enemy, knowing that there are only two options: "Be killing sin or it will be killing you."25
- John Owen
It is to be feared that the most of us know not how much of glory may be in present grace, nor how much of heaven may be attained in holiness on the earth.
- John Owen
God and the doctor we like adore, But only when in danger, not before.
- John Owen
And it will one day appear that there is more glory, more excellency, in giving one poor minister unto a congregation, by furnishing him with spiritual gifts for the discharge of his duty, than in the pompous instalment of a thousand popes, cardinals, or metropolitans.
- John Owen