Quotes from Jimmy Carter
Everyone has a right to peaceful coexistence, the basic personal freedoms, the alleviation of suffering, and the opportunity to lead a productive life.
- Jimmy Carter
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
- Jimmy Carter
It is good to realize that if love and peace can prevail on earth, and if we can teach our children to honor nature's gifts, the joys and beauties of the outdoors will be here forever.
- Jimmy Carter
In a nuclear age, each of us is threatened when peace is not secured everywhere.
- Jimmy Carter
I think the most challenging thing for me in my life and in the Bible is that we worship Jesus as the Prince of Peace. And America is constantly at war.
- Jimmy Carter
You can not divorce religious belief and public service. I've never detected any conflict between God's will and my political duty. If you violate one, you violate the other.
- Jimmy Carter
I began to expand my personal service in the church, and to search more diligently for a closer relationship with God among my different business, professional and political interests.
- Jimmy Carter
I let God be the judge and I believe that we worship a just and fair God who won't punish innocent people unnecessarily.
- Jimmy Carter
God wisely designed the human body so that we can neither pat our own backs nor kick ourselves too easily.
- Jimmy Carter
I believe that we are saved by the grace of God because he loves us provided that we have faith in Jesus Christ.
- Jimmy Carter
I have never been disappointed when I asked in a humble and sincere way for God's help. I pray often. I think I pray more often since January 12th.
- Jimmy Carter
It is difficult for the common good to prevail against the intense concentration of those who have a special interest, especially if the decisions are made behind locked doors.
- Jimmy Carter