Quotes from Henri Nouwen
There is a deep hole in your being, like an abyss. You will never succeed in filling that hole, because your needs are inexhaustible. You have to work around it so that gradually the abyss closes.
- Henri Nouwen
Many mature, successful men in this life often might still treat God as part of themselves. God is the factotum which comes in handy in times of illness, shock, final exams, in every situation in which we feel insecure. And if it does not work, the only reaction may be to cry louder. Far from becoming the Other, whose existence does not depend on mine, he might remain the easy frame which fits best around the edges of my security.
- Henri Nouwen
As I reflect on this reality, it is clear that God is present in the events of my life, yet I act and speak as if I am in control.
- Henri Nouwen
He who thinks that he is finished, is finished. How true. Those who think that they have arrived, have lost their way. Those who think they have reached their goal, have missed it. Those who think they are saints, are demons.
- Henri Nouwen
We also need guides: spiritual friends, a spiritual director, or a spiritual accountability group that can function for us as a safe place to bear our souls.
- Henri Nouwen
I looked at the splendid drawings and paintings Rembrandt created in the midst of all his setbacks, disillusionment and grief. One must have died many deaths and cried many tears to have painted a portrait of God in such humility.
- Henri Nouwen
How much of our energy goes into defining ourselves by deciding "I am what I do," "I am what others say about me," or "I am what I have"? When that's the case, life often follows a repetitive up-and-down motion.
- Henri Nouwen
What I am called to make true is that whether I am the younger or the elder son, I am the son of my compassionate Father.
- Henri Nouwen
Prayer opens our eyes for ourselves and through clarification enables us to step forward in the direction of hope.
- Henri Nouwen
We see him or her as a limited expression of an unlimited love.
- Henri Nouwen
As Father, the only authority he claims for himself is the authority of compassion.
- Henri Nouwen
Don't be afraid. Don't run off. Trust that Christ will be born in that place.
- Henri Nouwen