Quotes from Henri Nouwen
The spiritual task is not to escape your loneliness, not to let yourself drown in it, but to find its source. This is not so easy to do, but when you can somehow identify the place from which these feelings emerge, they will lose some of their power over you. This identification is not an intellectual task; it is a task of the heart. With your heart you must search for that place without fear.
- Henri Nouwen
The journey from teaching about love to allowing myself to be loved proved much longer than I realized.
- Henri Nouwen
The immense joy in welcoming back the lost son hides the immense sorrow that has gone before. The
- Henri Nouwen
If prayer, understood as an intimate relationship with God, is indeed the basis of all relationships—to ourselves as well as to others.
- Henri Nouwen
I am still like the prodigal: traveling, preparing speeches, anticipating how it will be when I finally reach my Father's house. But I am, indeed, on my way home. I have left the distant country and come to feel the nearness of love.
- Henri Nouwen
When our love grows from God's love we no longer divide people into those who deserve it and those who don't. It is this love that allows us to see the enemy as someone loved with the same love with which we are loved.
- Henri Nouwen
The eyes of love had seen you as precious, as of infinite beauty, as of eternal value. When love chooses, it chooses with a perfect sensitivity for the unique beauty of the chosen one, and it chooses without making anyone else feel excluded.
- Henri Nouwen
The "distant country" is the world in which everything considered holy at home is disregarded.
- Henri Nouwen
When you let your wounded self express itself in the form of apologies, arguments, or complaints—through which it cannot be truly heard—you will only grow frustrated and increasingly feel rejected.
- Henri Nouwen
Why do we children of the light so easily become conspirators with the darkness? The answer is quite simple. Our identity, our sense of self, is at stake.
- Henri Nouwen
To be chosen as the Beloved of God is something radically different. Instead of excluding others, it includes others. Instead of rejecting others as less valuable, it accepts others in their own uniqueness. It is not a competitive, but a compassionate choice.
- Henri Nouwen
crisis of our prayer life is that our minds may be filled with ideas of God while our hearts remain far from him. Real prayer comes from the heart.
- Henri Nouwen