Quotes from Michael Wolff
people might conclude that this was just more proof that you obviously couldn't hold Trump responsible for executing on anything, much less an attack on the U.S. Capitol.)
- Michael Wolff
The White House, realized former naval officer Steve Bannon after a few weeks, was really a military base, a government-issue office with a mansion's façade and a few ceremonial rooms sitting on top of a secure installation under military command.
- Michael Wolff
Exhausted though he might be, he's got to keep going, show strength, willpower, normalcy—that's his prescription
- Michael Wolff
Donald Trump and his tiny band of campaign warriors were ready to lose with fire and fury. They were not ready to win. *
- Michael Wolff
just when you felt on top of the world in the Trump administration, you could probably count on getting cut down. That was the pattern and price of one-man leadership—insecure-man leadership.
- Michael Wolff
he had never been able to tailor his behavior to what the goals at hand reasonably required.
- Michael Wolff
charisma in the Christian sense.
- Michael Wolff
He believed he could spook the other side.
- Michael Wolff
The two prosecutors also delved into the president's personal life. How often did he cheat on his wife? With whom? How were trysts arranged? What were the president's sexual interests?
- Michael Wolff
Trump saw the world through the filter of other people's weaknesses.
- Michael Wolff
Sooner or later, Trump felt contempt for anyone who showed him too much devotion.
- Michael Wolff
Salesmen, whose primary characteristic and main asset is their ability to keep selling, constantly recast the world in positive terms. Discouragement for everyone else is merely the need to improve reality for them.
- Michael Wolff