Quotes from Ambrose of Milan
Let there be a door to thy mouth, that it may be shut when need arises, and let it be carefully barred, that none may rouse thy voice to anger, and thou pay back abuse with abuse.
- Ambrose of Milan
The emperor is in the Church, not above the Church.
- Ambrose of Milan
God is not accustomed to refusing a good gift to those who ask for one. Since he is good, and especially to those who are faithful to him, let us hold fast to him with all our soul, our heart, our strength, and so enjoy his light and see his glory and possess the grace of supernatural joy.
- Ambrose of Milan
It is not enough just to wish well; we must also do well.
- Ambrose of Milan
The Lord was Baptized, not to be cleansed Himself, but to cleanse the waters, so that those waters, cleansed by the flesh of Christ which knew no sin, might have the power of Baptism.
- Ambrose of Milan
What is impossible to God? Not that which is difficult to His power, but that which is contrary to His nature.
- Ambrose of Milan
The devil tempts that he may ruin; God tests that he may crown.
- Ambrose of Milan
As the print of the seal on the wax is the express image of the seal itself, so Christ is the express image - the perfect representation of God.
- Ambrose of Milan
If you do not give the tenth part to God, he will take the nine parts.
- Ambrose of Milan
It was not by dialectic that it pleased God to save His people.
- Ambrose of Milan
As a servant desireth the approval of his master, and a son the approval of his father, so should we desire the approval of God and our own conscience.
- Ambrose of Milan
Let us take refuge from this world. You can do this in spirit, even if you are kept here in the body. You can at the same time be here and present to the Lord. Your soul must hold fast to him, you must follow after him in your thoughts, you must tread his ways by faith, not in outward show.
- Ambrose of Milan