Quotes from RC Sproul Jr.
Why do bad things happen to good people? That only happened once, and He volunteered.
- RC Sproul Jr.
In fact, the Devil is delighted when we spend our time and energy defending the Bible, as long as we do not get around to actually reading the Bible.
- RC Sproul Jr.
I am not interested in standing for what I believe in, but in standing for the truth. I and my conscience are liars. God's law is truth.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Perhaps the most shockingly transcendent thing about the God we worship is that He is pleased to stoop down to us, to draw near, to know us, love us, walk with us, and call us all by name.
- RC Sproul Jr.
There's this thing that I like to call the RC Sproul principle of hermenutics. When you're reading the bible and you come across someone doing something really stupid, don't say to yourself "I'm glad I'm not him". Ask yourself "How am I that stupid?
- RC Sproul Jr.
If you should ever be blessed to be far enough from the cacophony of civilization when a heavy snow falls, you can even hear the very music of the iced dew's delicate descent. It is the repainting of a landscape in a thousand hues of white. It is the dance of the wind.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Just as the church needs members with different skills, our world must have various forms of labor, interdependent and thus valuable. A world full of ministers would be without churches, bread for the Lord's Supper, and printed Bibles to read.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Because we are more adult than actually mature, we tend to take our sins and baptize them, dressing them up as spiritual maturity.
- RC Sproul Jr.
The call to delight in our heavenly Father is not one that can be rightly obeyed with bootstrap effort. One cannot grimly determine to rejoice in the grace of God. The only way to rejoice the way David did is to be overcome with emotion. David's joyous dance was true to who he was and true to how he felt about God. It was David becoming like a child, so much so that he insisted on giving in to his willingness, even his eagerness, to become undignified.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Instead of seeing all of this as God's extraordinary grace, we come to expect the comfort and joys that God gives us as the baseline, the measure of what we believe to be our due. When our comfort level drops below our expectations, we are shocked and angered, and even foolishly express our outrage to God Himself.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Together my wife and I are building the kingdom of God, exercising dominion, beating back the weeds of stinky dippers, tending the garden God has put us in. This is why my dear wife vacuums the floor, for it is part of the garden she has been called to dress and to keep. But she is doing this not as raw duty, but because she understands that she is exercising dominion over the dust, for the glory of Christ.
- RC Sproul Jr.
Neither marriage's heart nor adventure are found in the banner days, those events we record and look back on. The glory is the ordinary.
- RC Sproul Jr.