Quotes from RT Kendall
The worse thing that can happen to a man or a woman, is for them to succeed before they are ready.
- RT Kendall
And yet this part of the story shows that God supplies our need in a way that is both extraordinary but also ordinary. The extraordinary: The flour and oil were never used up. The ordinary: There was just enough for each day. It was never a case of a hundred barrels of flour and oil being wasted before their eyes. The amount was small and always
- RT Kendall
there. Enough is enough. You do not need flour and oil for tomorrow; only for today. You can live only one day at a time. You can take only one bite at a time. What more could you cope with anyway? My dad's favorite verse was, "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well" (Matthew 6:33). The next verse goes on to say, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
- RT Kendall
may seem unreasonable—that the blood of
- RT Kendall
Jesus could wash away your sins—but it is the only hope you have. Accept this offer now. Confess your sins to God. Thank Him for sending His Son. Transfer the trust you have in your good works to what Jesus did for you on the cross. Doing this will result in a pardon of all your sins. When the widow did what Elijah said to do, all he promised came to pass. It will with you, too, when you affirm this Gospel.
- RT Kendall
lost her only son—and Elijah to blame.
- RT Kendall
There is one person who will never let you down, will never fail you. Jesus Christ. He is perfect. Sinless. Faultless. He loves you more than you love yourself. He is always there. Always watching you. Never turning an eye from you. He loves you as though there were no other person to love. He will never, never, never fail you. Ever. Count on it. My whole life and ministry are based upon this premise: the absolute, unwavering perfection of Jesus.
- RT Kendall
The hiding of God's face is the essence of His discipline. Moreover, God never gives advanced warning when He will be hiding His face. If only He would say, "Next Tuesday about 3:20 P.M., you will notice that the light of My countenance will be withdrawn for a while." If only. Then we could be ready and not be shaken. But part of our preparation is learning how to respond in impossible situations when God seems very far away. And yet the widow was understandably in
- RT Kendall
When we can achieve calm and repose while those around us are losing their heads and blaming things on us, we are beginning to grow.
- RT Kendall
What do you do when you are misunderstood? Elijah impressively set a standard for how one should respond when
- RT Kendall
Dear Holy Spirit, there are so many things in Your Word I don't understand. Give me grace not to question but to accept that Your ways and Your thoughts are higher than my ways. Grant me too the power to bless others through my own hands, unworthy though I am. In Jesus's name, amen.
- RT Kendall
Blessed Holy Spirit, I am so comforted by the knowledge that You do what the Father tells You to say and do—just as Jesus did. I love knowing that when I am led by the Holy Spirit, I am simultaneously being led by the Father. I only pray, let me miss nothing You would say to me. In Jesus's name, amen.
- RT Kendall