Quotes from RT Kendall
Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones frequently said, "The Bible was not given to replace the miraculous; it was given to correct abuses.
- RT Kendall
There was no water. Food by tons would have no value. You need water to survive. If the ravens brought Elijah filet steaks, fresh vegetables and the best-tasting bread it would have meant nothing.
- RT Kendall
When sudden change catapults you into something new, remember this: God has a better idea for how you should spend this time of your life. You may stubbornly say, "I am going to stay right here where this brook was, no matter what." But if the brook has dried up, like it or not, you have to move on. It is
- RT Kendall
God's way of getting your attention.
- RT Kendall
When the brook dries up, we know it is time to move. God has something better in mind. Count on it. He will never leave you nor forsake you (seen Hebrews 13:5). No good thing will He withhold from you when it is God's will
- RT Kendall
you want most of all (see Psalm 84:11). Paul admitted that he had to "learn" the secret of contentment in every situation. So with all of us. That learning process can sometimes be painful, but it is worth all we have to go through to get that knowledge of God's new plan.
- RT Kendall
After a long time, in the third year, the word of the LORD came to Elijah: "Go and present yourself to Ahab, and I will send rain on the land." So Elijah went to present himself to Ahab. 1 Kings 18:1—2
- RT Kendall
When the brook dries up because there is no rain, but you say, "Praise the Lord," you bring great honor to God. Trust Him to show you the next step forward. He will. He is never too early, never too late, but always just on time. When God closes a door, He opens a window. Learn to accept the closed door and be prepared for the surprising window that will open. It opened for Elijah and it will open for you.
- RT Kendall
home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die." 1 Kings 17:8—12
- RT Kendall
Having been faced with a dried-up brook—a closed door if there ever was one—Elijah needed a window. He got it: The Lord told him to go to Zarephath of Sidon where a widow would look after him. The ravens and the brook, then, were to be succeeded by a Gentile widow about a hundred miles away. Zarephath was outside Israel in Gentile territory. It turns out that God had been at work behind the scenes: "I have commanded a widow in that place to supply you with food.
- RT Kendall
A huge difference between "in season" and "out of season" is this: "In season" is when God pleases you; "out of season" is when you have a golden opportunity to please God. You may think you are pleasing God when He shows up "in season," but, closer to the truth, He is pleasing you. When He hides His face, you should seize such a time with both hands. You
- RT Kendall
We will learn in this chapter of 1 Kings 17 the amazing and surprising ways God supplies our needs. But it also demonstrates God's love for all peoples, not only Israel.
- RT Kendall