Quotes from Marianne Williamson
The man I love may decide tomorrow that he loves me no more - but if my heart remains open, I will endure the storm.
- Marianne Williamson
Jesus is a personal symbol of the Holy Spirit. Having been totally healed by the Holy Spirit, Jesus became one with him. Every thought, action, and deed of Jesus was guided by the Holy Spirit instead of ego.
- Marianne Williamson
Relationships are the Holy Spirit's laboratories in which He brings together people who have the maximal opportunity for mutual growth.
- Marianne Williamson
Withholding love is a form of self-sabotage, as what we withhold from others we are withholding from ourselves.
- Marianne Williamson
Love is the essential existential fact. It is our ultimate reality and our purpose on earth.
- Marianne Williamson
Love, when it is a sacred quest, is a space of resurrection and repair. It does more than help us survive a soulless world; it helps us to transform.
- Marianne Williamson
Miracles occur naturally as expressions of love. The real miracle is the love that inspires them. In this sense everything that comes from love is a miracle.
- Marianne Williamson
Love will not just heal your life or mine. Love will heal the world.
- Marianne Williamson
Enlightenment is the key to everything, and it is the key to intimacy, because it is the goal of true authenticity.
- Marianne Williamson
Think of everything you've ever experienced that was painful; that's the meaning of Good Friday. Think of all the ways that love ultimately healed your heart; that's the meaning of Easter.
- Marianne Williamson
Love is who we are, and when we deviate from that love we're deviating from our ultimate, essential, eternal reality.
- Marianne Williamson
Anytime you try to be a loving person, you're doing your part to save the world.
- Marianne Williamson