Quotes from Marianne Williamson
miracle is a shift in thinking, a shift from fear to love.
- Marianne Williamson
We need to recognize that the endless application of brute force will not bring peace to the world, and that only the soul force of justice, meaningful human relationships, forgiveness, and compassion can end the scourge of violence on our streets and throughout the world.
- Marianne Williamson
What appears like a problem is merely a place where a miracle awaits.
- Marianne Williamson
the miraculous application of love as a balm on every wound.
- Marianne Williamson
We can't change other people's thinking, but in fact we don't need to because all minds are joined.* All we have to do is change our own thinking, and as we do, the world will change with us.
- Marianne Williamson
For in any given moment, regardless of circumstances, I can choose again. I can choose strength instead of weakness, and love instead of fear. I can choose to bless instead of blame, and to lean into the future rather than dragging with me the past.
- Marianne Williamson
Dear God, my desire, my priority is inner peace. I want the experience of love. I don't know what would bring that to me. I leave the results of this situation in your hands. I trust your will. May your will be done. Amen.
- Marianne Williamson
Miracles occur in response to every problem, yet it is my faith and compassion that bring them forth.
- Marianne Williamson
Forgiveness is a full time job, and sometimes very difficult. Few of us always succeed, yet making the effort is our most noble calling. It is the world's only real chance to begin again.
- Marianne Williamson
Course in Miracles says that everyone we meet will either be our crucifier or our savior, depending on what we choose to be to them.
- Marianne Williamson
I can see that the spiritual path has been the calling of my soul for a very long time, and I am ready to devote the rest of my life to walking it as best I can.
- Marianne Williamson
The spirit within leads only to joy, as it inspires me to see the love in everyone and the possibility of miracles that lie inherent in all things. The universe itself is the handwriting of God, as He constantly creates and re-creates the perfection that He is. Within that perfection I have my true being, and within my true being I am happy and at peace.
- Marianne Williamson