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Quotes from Marianne Williamson

Do terrorists hate us just some of the time? Do they have a casual commitment to their cause? Do they take less than seriously the goal of full manifestation of their worldview? The only way we will triumph over hate is to become as deeply committed to love as some people are committed to hate, as deeply devoted to expressing our love as some people are devoted to expressing their hate, and as firm in our conviction that love is our mission as some are that hate is theirs.
- Marianne Williamson
Embracing joy heals depression. Then we become the ones who teach the meaning of joy to our children, as well as allowing them to teach it to us.
- Marianne Williamson
In summation, there are four rules for miraculous work creation: Be positive. Send love. Have fun. Kick ass. Amen.
- Marianne Williamson
our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate . our deepest fear that we are powerful beyond measure . we ask ourselves: who i am to be brilliant,gorgeous,talented and fabulous ? actually who you are not to be?
- Marianne Williamson
The holiness of the present delivers me from the pain of yesterday.
- Marianne Williamson
Spiritual law is unalterable: if we focus on the guilt in others, we'll see guilt in ourselves; if we focus on the innocence in others, we'll feel the innocence within ourselves. Perception is a choice.
- Marianne Williamson
World conditions challenge us to look beyond the status quo for responses to the pain of our times. We look to powers within as well as to powers without. A new, spiritually based social activism is beginning to assert itself. It stems not from hating what is wrong and trying to fight it, but from loving what could be and making the commitment to bring it forth.
- Marianne Williamson
One of the ideas we must agree on and continue to forge with individual and collective vigor is that a woman's life goes uphill at forty.
- Marianne Williamson
Practice kindness, and you start to become kind. Practice discipline, and you start to become disciplined. Practice forgiveness, and you start to become forgiving. Practice charity, and you start to become charitable. Practice gentleness, and you start to become gentle.
- Marianne Williamson
Our children are not extensions of ourselves. We did not create them; God did. We are here to supervise their development, not dictate their reality. They are their own beings.
- Marianne Williamson
I choose not to remain at good today, but rather to answer the call to greatness.
- Marianne Williamson
There are people who manifest the potential for sparkle that we all share, and those who don't. Those who do are usually people who somewhere along the line, either from parents or lovers, were told verbally or nonverbally, "You're wonderful and beautiful." Love is to people what water is to plants.
- Marianne Williamson