Quotes from Brian Tracy
What I learned was that in order to achive great success in life, you must become a special kind of person. To rise above the majority, you must develop qualities and disciplines that the average person lacks.
- Brian Tracy
The fact is that successful people fail far more often than unsuccessful people. Successful people try more things, fall down, pick themselves up, and try again—over and over again—before they finally win.
- Brian Tracy
You are a "choosing organism." You are constantly making choices, one way or the other. Every choice you make is a statement about your true values and priorities. At each moment, you choose what is more important or of higher value to you over what is less important or of lesser value.
- Brian Tracy
When you choose the higher value over the lower, the more difficult over the easy, the right over the wrong, you feel good about yourself. Your self-esteem increases. You like and respect yourself more. You have a greater sense of personal pride.
- Brian Tracy
Between you and anything you want to accomplish you will always find problems or obstacles of some kind. This is why success is sometimes defined as the ability to solve problems.
- Brian Tracy
In addition to feeling excellent about yourself when you behave with character, you also earn the respect and esteem of all the people around you. They will look up to you and admire you. Doors will be opened for you. People will help you. You will be paid more, promoted faster, and given even greater responsibilities. As you become a person of honor and character, opportunities will appear all around you.
- Brian Tracy
DON'T QUIT When things go wrong, as they sometimes will, When the road you're trudging seems all uphill, When the funds are low and the debts are high, And you want to smile but you have to sigh.
- Brian Tracy
Practice one virtue for a period of two weeks, then three weeks, then one virtue per month.
- Brian Tracy
Make work appointments with yourself and then discipline yourself to keep them. Set aside thirty-, sixty-, and ninety-minute time segments that you use to work on and complete important tasks. Many highly productive people schedule specific activities in preplanned time slots all day long. These people build their work lives around accomplishing key tasks one at a time.
- Brian Tracy
In fact, the habit of setting and achieving ever-larger goals is absolutely indispensable to the development of ever-higher levels of self-confidence and personal power.
- Brian Tracy
Practice is the key to mastering any skill.
- Brian Tracy
You can accomplish virtually anything if you want it badly enough and if you are willing to work long enough and hard enough.
- Brian Tracy