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Quotes from Oswald Chambers

If, during a prayer meeting, God shows you something to do, don't say, "I'll do it"—just do it! Pick yourself up by the back of the neck and shake off your fleshly laziness. Laziness can always be seen in our cravings for a mountaintop experience; all we talk about is our planning for our time on the mountain. We must learn to live in the ordinary "gray" day according to what we saw on the mountain.
- Oswald Chambers
Goodness and purity should never be traits that draw attention to themselves, but should simply be magnets that draw people to Jesus Christ. If my holiness is not drawing others to Him, it is not the right kind of holiness
- Oswald Chambers
Are you ready to be poured out as an offering? It is an act of your will, not your emotions.
- Oswald Chambers
A person who is a beautiful saint can be a hindrance in leading people to the Lord by presenting only what Christ has done for him, instead of presenting Jesus Christ Himself. Others will be left with this thought—"What a fine person that man is!" That is not being a true "friend of the bridegroom"—I am increasing all the time; He is not.
- Oswald Chambers
If we do not sacrifice the natural to the spiritual, the natural life will resist and defy the life of the Son of God in us and will produce continual turmoil. This is always the result of an undisciplined spiritual nature. We go wrong because we stubbornly refuse to discipline ourselves physically, morally, or mentally.
- Oswald Chambers
Deliberately tell God that you will not fret about whatever concerns you. All our fretting and worrying is caused by planning without God.
- Oswald Chambers
He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living water"—and hundreds of other lives will be continually refreshed. Now is the time for us to break "the flask" of our lives, to stop seeking our own satisfaction, and to pour out our lives before Him. Our Lord is asking who of us will do it for Him?
- Oswald Chambers
The faith of many people begins to falter when apprehensions enter their thinking, and they forget the meaning of God's assurance—they forget to take a deep spiritual breath. The only way to remove the fear from our lives is to listen to God's assurance to us.
- Oswald Chambers
And I will suffer great humiliation once I come to acknowledge and understand that I have not really been concerned about realizing Jesus Christ Himself, but only concerned with knowing what He has done for me.
- Oswald Chambers
Tell God you are ready to be poured out as an offering, and God will prove Himself to be all you ever dreamed He would be.
- Oswald Chambers
Many people have turned back because they are afraid to look at things from God's perspective. The greatest spiritual crisis comes when a person has to move a little farther on in his faith than the beliefs he has already accepted.
- Oswald Chambers
Never make a principle out of your experience;let God be as original with other people as He is with you.
- Oswald Chambers