Quotes from Oswald Chambers
voice of the Spirit of God is as gentle as a summer breeze—so gentle that unless you are living in complete fellowship and oneness with God, you will never hear it. The sense of warning and restraint that the Spirit gives comes to us in the most amazingly gentle ways.
- Oswald Chambers
Jesus did not say to make converts to your way of thinking, but He said to look after His sheep, to see that they get nourished in the knowledge of Him.
- Oswald Chambers
There must be a mechanical [physical] outlet for spiritual inspiration. You must DO [in the physical] what you see [in the spiritual], or become BLIND in that particular.
- Oswald Chambers
This sense of restraint will always come as a "still small voice" (1 Kings 19:12), so faint that no one except a saint of God will notice it.
- Oswald Chambers
Paul was like a musician who gives no thought to audience approval, if he can only catch a look of approval from his Conductor.
- Oswald Chambers
Look at God's incredible waste of His saints, according to the world's judgment. God seems to plant His saints in the most useless places. And then we say, "God intends for me to be here because I am so useful to Him." Yet Jesus never measured His life by how or where He was of the greatest use. God places His saints where they will bring the most glory to Him, and we are totally incapable of judging where that may be.
- Oswald Chambers
wonder how God will answer this prayer.' 'I wonder how God will answer the prayer the Holy Ghost is praying in me.' 'I wonder what glory God will bring to Himself out of the strange perplexities I am in.' 'I wonder what new turn His providence will take in manifesting Himself in my ways.
- Oswald Chambers
Why has God left us on the earth? Is it simply to be saved and sanctified? No, it is to be at work in service to Him. Am I willing to be broken bread and poured-out wine for Him? Am I willing to be of no value to this age or this life except for one purpose and one alone—to be used to disciple men and women to the Lord Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
Shall tribulation . . . ?" Tribulation is never a noble thing; but let tribulation be what it may—exhausting, galling, fatiguing, it is not able to separate us from the love of God. Never let cares or tribulations separate you from the fact that God loves you.
- Oswald Chambers
If we were never depressed, we would not be alive—only material things don't suffer depression. If human beings were not capable of depression, we would have no capacity for happiness and exaltation.
- Oswald Chambers
We all have many dreams and aspirations when we are young, but sooner or later we realize we have no power to accomplish them. We cannot do the things we long to do, so our tendency is to think of our dreams and aspirations as dead. But God comes and says to us, "Arise from the dead." When God sends His inspiration, it comes to us with such miraculous power that we are able to "arise from the dead" and do the impossible.
- Oswald Chambers
God's training ground, where the missionary weapons are found, is the hidden, personal, worshiping life of the saint.
- Oswald Chambers