Quotes from Oswald Chambers
Paul was devoted to a Person, not a cause.
- Oswald Chambers
Beware of surrender that is motivated by personal benefits that may result.
- Oswald Chambers
God never gives us discernment in order that we may criticise, but that we may intercede.
- Oswald Chambers
Feb. 9…"Is your source based on your own understanding or is it grounded on the redemption of Jesus Christ? Continually look back to the foundation of your love and affection and remember where your Source of power lies. You have no right to complain, "O Lord, I am so exhausted." He saved and sanctified you to exhaust you. Be exhausted for God, but remember that He is your supply. "All my springs are in you" (Psalm 87:7).
- Oswald Chambers
The mountaintop is not meant to teach us anything, it is meant to make us something. There is a terrible trap in always asking, "What's the use of this experience?" We can never measure spiritual matters in that way. The moments on the mountaintop are rare moments, and they are meant for something in God's purpose.
- Oswald Chambers
God answers prayer on the ground of redemption and on no other ground.
- Oswald Chambers
Gaining heaven, being delivered from sin, and being made useful to God are things that should never even be a consideration in real surrender.
- Oswald Chambers
Jesus' instructions with regard to judging others is very simply put; He says, "Don't." The average Christian is the most piercingly critical individual known. Criticism is one of the ordinary activities of people, but in the spiritual realm nothing is accomplished by it. The effect of criticism is the dividing up of the strengths of the one being criticized.
- Oswald Chambers
Dec. 31… "Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ. Leave the broken, irreversible past in His hands, and step out into the invincible future with Him.
- Oswald Chambers
In that day" there may be any number of things still hidden to your understanding, but they will not come between your heart and God. "In that day you will ask Me nothing"—you will not need to ask, because you will be certain that God will reveal things in accordance with His will.
- Oswald Chambers
God does not expect us to work for Him, but to work with Him.
- Oswald Chambers
be. Paul said this is the reason that "in all these things we are more than conquerors." We are super-victors with a joy that comes from experiencing the very things which look as if they are going to overwhelm us.
- Oswald Chambers