Quotes from Oswald Chambers
The real business of your life as a saved soul is intercessory prayer.
- Oswald Chambers
When God gives you a vision and darkness follows, wait. God will bring the vision He has given you to reality in your life if you will wait on His timing. Never try to help God fulfill His word
- Oswald Chambers
The great enemy of the life of faith in God is not sin, but the good which is not good enough. The good is always the enemy of the best.
- Oswald Chambers
It is impossible to conduct your life as a disciple without definite times of secret prayer
- Oswald Chambers
Faith is deliberate confidence in the character of God whose ways you cannot understand at the time.
- Oswald Chambers
Every time we pray our horizon is altered, our attitude to things is altered, not sometimes but every time, and the amazing thing is that we don't pray more.
- Oswald Chambers
The purpose of prayer is to reveal the presence of God equally present, all the time, in every condition.
- Oswald Chambers
When we no longer seek God for His blessings, we have time to seek Him for Himself.
- Oswald Chambers
If you are going through a time of discouragement, there is a time or great personal growth ahead.
- Oswald Chambers
Death is God's delightful way of giving us life.
- Oswald Chambers
Temptations in the life of faith are not accidents; each temptation is part of a plan, a step in the progress of faith.
- Oswald Chambers
Am I always in contact with Reality, or do I only pray when things have gone wrong, when there is a disturbance in the moments of my life?
- Oswald Chambers