Quotes from Oswald Chambers
Beware of the inclination to dictate to God what consequences you would allow as a condition of your obedience to Him.
- Oswald Chambers
In our mental outlook we have to reconcile ourselves to the fact of sin as the only explanation as to why Jesus Christ came, and the explanation of the grief and sorrow in life.
- Oswald Chambers
God forgives sin only because of the death of Christ. God could forgive people in no other way than by the death of His Son, and Jesus is exalted as Savior because of His death.
- Oswald Chambers
many of us prefer to stay at the entrance to the Christian life, instead of going on to create and build our soul in accordance with the new life God has placed within us.
- Oswald Chambers
Who are the people who have influenced us most? Certainly not the ones who thought they did, but those who did not have even the slightest idea that they were influencing us. In the Christian life, godly influence is never conscious of itself. If we are conscious of our influence, it ceases to have the genuine loveliness which is characteristic of the touch of Jesus.
- Oswald Chambers
The proof that our relationship is right with God is that we do our best whether we feel inspired or not.
- Oswald Chambers
To have a master and teacher is not the same thing as being mastered and taught.
- Oswald Chambers
Let the past rest, but let it rest in the sweet embrace of Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
We can only be used by God after we allow Him to show us the deep, hidden areas of our own character.
- Oswald Chambers
O Lord, my Lord, I come to Thee this morning with a sense of spiritual failure. Cleanse me by Thy grace and restore me to the heavenly places in Christ Jesus. O that the sweet kindness of Jesus were more and more manifest in me.
- Oswald Chambers
The thing that approaches the very limits of His power is the very thing we as disciples of Jesus ought to believe He will do. We impoverish and weaken His ministry in us the moment we forget He is almighty. The impoverishment is in us, not in Him. We will come to Jesus for Him to be our comforter or our sympathizer, but we refrain from approaching Him as our Almighty God.
- Oswald Chambers
Love is spontaneous, but it has to be maintained through discipline.
- Oswald Chambers