Quotes from John Foxe
The first persecution of the Church took place in the year 67, under Nero, the sixth emperor of Rome.
- John Foxe
The Gospel having spread itself into Persia, the pagan priests, who worshipped the sun, were greatly alarmed, and dreaded the loss of that influence they had hitherto maintained over the people's minds and properties.
- John Foxe
Princes, kings, and other rulers of the world have used all their strength and cunning against the Church, yet it continues to endure and hold its own.
- John Foxe
But, though persecuting malice raged, yet the Gospel shone with resplendent brightness; and, firm as an impregnable rock, withstood the attacks of its boisterous enemies with success.
- John Foxe
A prisoner in the Inquisition is never allowed to see the face of his accuser, or of the witnesses against him, but every method is taken by threats and tortures, to oblige him to accuse himself, and by that means corroborate their evidence.
- John Foxe
The blessed Gospel of Christ is what I hold; that do I believe, that have I taught, and that will I never revoke!
- John Foxe
And as for the Pope, I refuse him as Christ's enemy, and antichrist, with all his false doctrine.
- John Foxe
The Jesuit turned away, saying, sarcastically, "The Protestants are impenetrable rocks." "You are mistaken," said Kutnaur, "it is Christ that is the Rock, and we are firmly fixed upon Him.
- John Foxe
Trouble me not, friar, I have confessed my sins to God, and obtained absolution through the merits of Jesus Christ.
- John Foxe
I maintain no doctrines of my own; what I preach are the doctrines of Christ, and for those I will forfeit my blood, and even think myself happy to suffer for the sake of my Redeemer.
- John Foxe
Mr. Latimer to say: "Be of good cheer, Ridley; and play the man. We shall this day, by God's grace, light up such a candle in England, as I trust, will never be put out.
- John Foxe
The archbishop endeavored to prevail on Mr. Wishart to recant; but he was too firmly fixed in his religious principles and too much enlightened with the truth of the Gospel, to be in the least moved.
- John Foxe